In some cases, skintones don't have to be normal. If you're subject isn't really "human," they don't need natural skintones. Normal looking skintones are need for normal people, but what if you're subject isn't "normal"? Therein lies and exception to...
Another way to preserve skintones is to pull a key on the skintones and bring them back to a normal hue with a secondary. Programs that have the ability to pull a key from the source or from a previous...
Another use for saving images is to practice exactly recreating that look with your own footage, using the still as reference. Try it on various types of footage, from various cameras, with various white-balances to really understand the look. Pick...
Keep a folder of screenshots from movies, commercials, etc. with looks that you like, and save them for use as inspiration and reference. If you can, even load them in your still-store to use as a reference in building a...